link : SCOVA : Minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting held on 23rd March 2018
SCOVA : Minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting held on 23rd March 2018
F.No. 42/05/2018-P&PW(G)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
Ministry of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Date:- 25th April, 2018
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Date:- 25th April, 2018
All the Pensioners Associations included in the SCOVA
vide Resolution dated 31.01.2018
vide Resolution dated 31.01.2018
Sub:- Minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 23.03.2018, at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi-reg.
Please find enclosed herewith the minutes of the 30th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 23.03.2018, at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi for your kind perusal.
Encl: as above S/d,
(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Minutes of the 30th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 23.03.2018 under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi
The 30th meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) was held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 23.03.2018. List of participants is enclosed.
2. Joint Secretary (P) welcomed the representatives of Pensioners Associations and the participating officers from various Ministries/Departments
3. He mentioned that some issues of the last SCOVA meeting have been resolved. Two review meetings were held with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on 05.06.2017 and with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, CPAO, Ministry of Defence, Department of Telecom and Department of Financial Services on 09.01.2018 to resolve issues pending in SCOVA.
4. Thereafter, the Action Taken Report on the decisions of the 29th SCOVA meeting and Fresh Agenda Items of the 30th SCOVA meeting were taken up for discussion.
5. Discussion on the Action Taken Report of 29th SCOVA meeting
(i) Revision of PPOs of pre-2006 pensioners.
CPAO, Ministry of Railways, Department of Telecom and Department of Posts informed that revision of pension w.e.f 01.01.2006 in respect of all pre-2006 pensioners has been completed. CGDA informed that out of a total of 1,39,504 Air Force Pensioners drawing pension as on 01.01.2016, 76591 were identified as pre-2006 pensioners. Revised authority in respect of 69,595 pre-2006 pensioners has been issued. However, revised PPOs in respect of 6996 pensioners were yet to be issued. These cases are pending due to non-matching of records (PPO No.) provided by PDAs with the records available with Pension Sanctioning Authorities (PSAs). Banks are also not able to intimate correct PPO numbers in these cases. He informed that efforts are being made to identify these 6996 pre-2006 pensioners.
The Air Force Association contested the claim of CGDA that there are only 1,39,504 Pre-2006 Air Force Pensioners. It was brought out by the Secretary Air Force Association that in Mar 17, the Raksha Mantri while giving an answer to Lok Sabha Starred question had indicated the figure as 2,05,942. Further, as late as Feb 18, the JCDA (AF) has shown the figure as 2,60,895 Air Force Pensioners in an excel sheet marked as “CPPC wise, no. of pensioner-airforce” and sent to Directorate of Air Veterans, (DAV) Air HQ on their CD. As regards the number of pre-06 Air Force Pensioners for whom Corr. PPOs have not been issued, the number is close to 1,00,000 and not 6,996 as stated by CGDA.
It was decided that CGDA will reconcile the figures of all pending cases of revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners in consultation with Directorate of Air Veterans, Air HQ and issue revised authority in respect of all the pre-2006 pensioners along with their 7th CPC Pension revision. CGDA will also take urgent action to identify the 6996 pre-2006 pensioners and issue revised authority, where necessary. It was decided that the CGDA will fix a target date of around 3 months for completion of these activities. Subject to this, the item was closed in respect of all other Departments.
(Action: CGDA)
(iii). Special “Higher” Family Pension for widows of the war disabled invalidated out of service.
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare informed that the matter has been examined in consultation with Service Headquarters. In accordance with the relevant rules, on death of a pensioner in receipt of disability pension, only the normal family pension is allowed. Therefore, Special Higher Family Pension for widows of war disabled pensioners is not permitted under the rules. It has therefore been decided, in consultation with Defence (Finance), that the request for Higher Family Pension in such cases cannot be accepted.
(Action: Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare)
(x). Delay in commencement of family pension to spouse on death of pensioners.
It was mentioned that instructions issued by DoPPW/CPAO provide that family pension to widow should commence within one month of the receipt of death certificate in respect of deceased pensioner. However, widows and other family members of the deceased pensioner continue to face a lot of difficulties in getting the family pension started.
CPAO informed that they have obtained information regarding time taken in commencement of family pension from all banks. The report prepared by CPAO confirms that there has been considerable delays by the banks in commencement of family pension on death of pensioner. The family pension commenced within stipulated period of one month was only in only 38% in cases. In around 47% cases, the time taken for commencement of family pension was more than 6 months. CPAO informed that they have again issued instructions to all the banks on 30.01.2018 and had also taken a meeting with these banks on 31.01.2018 to impress upon them the need for ensuring that the family pension commences within the stipulated one month period. Department of Pension and PW has also taken up the matter with Department of Financial Services on 07.02.2018 forwarding a copy of the report received from CPAO and requesting them to advise all Banks to adhere to the timeline.
DFS was requested to take up the matter with the banks at highest level to make sure that the families of the deceased pensioners get the family pension in time and an acknowledgment is invariably given by the Bank to the family member on receipt of the death certificate of the deceased pensioner and application for commencement of family pension. CPAO was advised that the representatives from DFS may also be invited in meetings held by CPAO with the banks.
Tamil Nadu Ex-services League informed that the issue is also concerned with Defence Family Pensioners and there are number of delayed cases. They also handed over the list of delayed cases to the DFS.
Uttarpara Central Govt. Pensioners Association representative said that carrying on payment of pension by banks after receipt of death certificate from spouse etc. causes subsequent complications and delay in start of family pension, be stopped by banks.
(Action:- CPAO, Department of Financial Services, CGDA and DoPPW)
(xiii). Additional Pension for recipients of disability pension of age of 80 years and above.
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare informed that orders in this regard have been issued by Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare vide their letter dated 05.09.2017. The item was accordingly closed.
6. Discussion on Fresh Agenda Items of 30thSCOVA meeting
(30.1) Revision of PPOs of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners as per 7th CPC orders.
CPAO informed that out of 9.06 lakh cases, 5,98,400 have been received from PAOs of different Ministries/Departments. Out of which, 5,13,160 cases have been revised as per 7th CPC. CPAO also informed that revision at their end has been fast, however, the cases are not coming from the DDO level because of non-availability of records. The pensioners associations stated that although PPOs have been revised in many cases, pensioners are not getting the copy of the Revised Authority. Also, as well as payments have not been started by the banks due to non-receipt of PPOs by them in many cases.
Department of Posts informed that out of 2,58,205 cases, they have issued revised authorities in respect of 2,17,644 cases.
Department of Telecom informed that out of 95,659 cases, 90,572 cases have been revised as per 7th CPC.
Ministry of Railways informed that out of 13,87,542 cases, 8,43,391 cases have been revised.
Out of 5,58,761 cases of Defence Civilian pensioners/family pensioners, revised authority has been issued in respect of 1,52,417 cases. Ministry of Defence intimated that they are monitoring the revision of cases of pensioners at highest level i.e by Secretary (Defence); and CGDA is also monitoring these case fortnightly. Concordance tables for service pensioners have been prepared and will be submitted to Ministry of Defence for approval. Pensioners also raised point of following different guidelines by PCDA(P), Allahabad than the guidelines issued by CPAO. It was advised to CGDA to issue centralized guidelines so that the same guidelines are followed in their all units.
It was decided the work revision of PPOs should be completed by all Ministries/Departments (except Ministry of Defence) by 31.05.2018. Ministry of Defence/CGDA will complete the work in respect of civilian pensioners by 30.06.2010.
Uttarpara Central Govt. Pensioners Association said that the revised PPO should be sent by issuing authority to the last known address of Pensioner/Family Pensioner by registered Post to ensure its delivery.
N.F. Railway Pensioners Association raised the issue that although the PPO has been revised there are lying with the banks and banks are not revising pension because of shortage of man-power. Ministry of Railways was advised to hold meetings with the SBI, Assam especially CPPC, Guwahati, Kolkata and Patna and UCO bank to sort out the problems.
(Action: CPAO, Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Defence, Department of Telecom and Department of Posts)
(30.7) Difference in Last Rank held and Rank for Pension in the case of pre 2006 military pensioners.
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare informed that the pension of pre-2006 pensioners was fixed w.r.t the pay scale of the rank which was held by the pensioner for a minimum of 10 months. However, the condition of 10 months service in the rank is not applicable in the case of post-2006 retirees. It is in this background that different criteria has been fixed for fixing of rank pension in the case of pre and post 2006 pensioners. DoPPW clarified that in the case of civil pensioners for revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners, orders have been issued for fixation of notional pay with respect to the last pay/pay scale of the pensioners, even if that pay was drawn for one day only.
It was decided that a detailed reference may be made by the Pensioners Associations to Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare bringing out all the issues involved. Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare will examine the issue afresh and take an appropriate decision in this respect, in consultation with Department of Expenditure.
(Action:- Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare)
7. In view of the large number of unresolved issues relating to banks, it was decided that a special review meetings on issues related to banks will be taken by Secretary (P&PW). CPAO and Department of Financial Services will also participate in the meetings.
8. Hon’ble MOS(PP) said that it had been a pleasant and fruitful interaction, which is indicative of the efforts being made by the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare. He said that the SCOVA has made a considerable progress since first time the SCOVA meetings were convened.
9. Hon’ble MOS(PP) referred to some recent initiation of the Government for the benefit of pensioners. For instance, minimum pension has been increased to Rs. 9000/-, ceiling of gratuity has been increased to Rs. 20 lakh, FMA has been increased to Rs.1000/- per month. Constant Attendance Allowance has been increased from Rs. 4500/- to Rs. 6750/- w.e.f 01.07.2017. Some benefits relating to income-tax e.g Standard Deduction, tax-rebate etc.on interest made available in the Finance Bill, 2018.
10. Hon’ble MOS(PP) referred to a news item published in some newspapers regarding difficulties in disbursement of pension in the absence of Aadhaar linkage with the Bank Account. Hon’ble MOS(PP) clarified that Aadhaar has not been made mandatory for getting pension for Government employees. Aadhaar is an additional facility to enable use of technology for submission of life certificate without the need for visiting banks.
11. On the question of redressal of pension related grievances, Hon’ble MOS(PP) stated that DoPPW is the nodal department for receiving grievances through CPENGRAMS. However, it is for the concerned administrative Ministries/Departments to take suitable action to redress the grievances. Therefore, DoPPW forwards these grievances through CPENGRAMS to the concerned officers for disposal in a time bound manner. DoPPW, however, continues to monitor quality disposal of the grievances.
The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the Chair
30th Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)
23rdMarch, 2018, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi
Dr. Jitendra Singh
Hon’ble Min of State (PPG & Pensions)Chairman, SCOVA
Shri K.V.Eapen
Secretary (P&PW)
Convener & Member Secretary, SCOVA |
Officers/Officials of Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
No. |
Name & Designation
Shri Sanjiv Narain Mathur
Joint Secretary
Shri Harjit Singh,
Smt. Seema Gupta
Shri A.K Singh
Under Secretary
Shri S. K. Makkar,
Under Secretary
Shri.S. Chakrabarti
Under Secretary
Shri Sanjay Shankar
Under Secretary
Shri R K Dutta
Under Secretary
Shri Charanjit Taneja,
Under Secretary
Shri T. C. Varghese,
Under Secretary
Shri Subhash Chander
Under Secretary
Shri Rajesh Kumar
Section Officer
Shri Prem Kumar
Sr. Consultant
Shri S.P.Kakkar
Shri. H.S.Toki
List of Participants- Ministries/Departments
style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #161616;">S.no.
Name & Designation
1. Sh. N.K.Mishra, CC(Pension)
2. Sh. Subhash Chandra, CA
3. Sh. M.S.K.Ansari, ACA
Department of Posts
1. Sh. Dilip Padhye, Sr. DDG
Department of Telecom
1. Sh. Sanjay Agarwal, Director (Estt-II)
Department of Financial Services
1. Sh. Gulab Singh, Deputy Secretary
Department of Expenditure
1. Sh. Arnar Nath Singh, Director
1. Sh. Puskal Upadhyay, Jt. CODA
Ministry of Health and Family
1. Ms. Bindu Tewari, Dir (EHS)
2. Dr. D.C.Joshi, Director (CGHS)
Department of ESW
1. Sh. Manoj Sinha, Under Secretary
Ministry of Railways
1. Sh. B.K.Singh, Exe. Dir F(E)
2. Dr. Amitava Dutta, Exe, Dir (Health)
3. Sh. G Kabni, Director F (CCA)
4. Sh. N.P.Singh, Jt. Dir E (P&A)
Department of Revenue
1. Sh. Sudhir Kumar, Jt. Secretary (Admn), CBDT
2. Sh. Nubhai Singh, US (Ad-1X), CBDT
Ministry of Home Affairs
1. Dr. S. Chakraborty, DIG (M d), CAPFs, MSG & AR
2. Sh. Rakesh Negi, DIG, BSF
3. Sh. Raman Kkumar, US, MI-1A
4. Dr. Rajesh Kumar (Assam Rifle)
1. Sh. Y.K.Singh, Sr. Tech. Dir
2. Sh. Anil Barisal, Tech Dir
List of Participants- Pensioners Association
Pensioners Association
Air Force Association, New Delhi
1. Grp. Capt. Ashok Sethi
NF Railways Pensioners Assn,Guwahati
1. Sh. S.M.Kanjilal
Central Govt. Pensioners Assn, Jaipur
1. Sh.V.K.Kasliwal
2. Sh.S.K.Sharrna
Central Govt. Pensioners Welfare
Association, Noida |
1. Sh. A.K.Nauriyal
Tamilnadu Ex-services League, Tamilnadu
1. Lt. Sundar Sugumar
Govt. Pensioners Association, Dehradun
1. Sh. M.C.Mittal
Uttarpara Central Govt. Pensioners
Assn, West Bengal |
1. Sh. Kamlesh Bose
All India Ex-para Military Personnel
Association, Jalandhar |
1. Sh. Balwinder Singh
Railway Senior Citizens Welfare Society,
Punjab |
1. Sh. Harchandan Singh
All India Organisation of Pensioners,
Lucknow |
I. Sh. V.K.Mishra
Railway Pensioners Welfare Association,
Gwalior |
1. Sh. A Dyavanna
2. Sh. Bhanuprasad M
All India Org. of Pensioners (Civil &Military) Kerala
1. Sh. K Krishna Pillai
(Source- Govtempiary blog)
thus Article SCOVA : Minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting held on 23rd March 2018
that is all articles SCOVA : Minutes of the 30th SCOVA meeting held on 23rd March 2018 This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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